

Greetings from Fulford Academy!

A Message from the Head of School:

As Fulford Academy’s newly appointed Head of School, I am very pleased to be able to welcome you to the 2021-2022 school year. As you know, our past Head Scott Murray has made a career change that has led to his first position in post-secondary education. We wish Scott all of the very best in his new career, and we very much look forward to hearing of his successes.

Having sound leadership and community resilience has enabled Fulford Academy to weather the global pandemic without losing direction or coming adrift. Through the challenges of the past 18 months, we successfully protected the health of each individual, and kept a keen focus on each student’s success as we worked on our mission of building independent and resourceful leaders.

We maintain a close relationship with our local Public Health administration and we are committed to meet or exceed their declared measures for protection and control of the COVID pandemic in our community. Likewise we keep completely up to date on the Ministry of Education, and indeed our local school board’s recommendations for teaching and learning. 

We live, work and learn in Leeds and Grenville which thankfully is the Ontario county with the greatest COVID immunization rate, and also a consistently low per capita rate of infection - this gives hope that we can continue to be without infection in our school. Our faculty and staff will ensure that the emotional, social and academic goals of our students are met; we will do all we can to support the wellbeing of our students, staff and other stakeholders. Thanks to our success, we start this school year with hope and expectation of health and success for everyone.

As we anticipate the reassembly of our community for the start of the year, we look forward to renewing good friendships and establishing new relationships with incoming new students - and a few new teachers! From the outset, we will work to build trust, confidence and strength in our community, and hope to instill belief in everyone of their ability to find success and to thrive at the Academy.

For some specifics of what our initial weeks of school will look like in terms of modes of learning and implemented health measures, please look at our “
Return to School Plan”.

Kindest regards,

Dr. Tom Steel
Head of School, Director of Academics, B. Sc., Dip. Ed., Ph.D

REMINDER: The first day of school is Thursday, September 9th 2021.  

For Boarding and Day Students: Dress #1 will be required for Thursday, September 9th.
Students that have not purchased branded clothing for Dress #1 will be able to do so on September 9th through Mrs. McCarthy.

Dress #1 - White dress shirt/blouse, black or grey dress pant, ladies can wear the grey skirt or kilt, Fulford tie is to be warn, and if cold a Fulford vest, cardigan or sweater with black or brown dress shoes

Regular classes will begin immediately, so be sure to bring all school supplies needed. This includes gym clothing and running shoes as you may have physical education this semester.

Dress #2 Tuesday’s & Thursday’s - Fulford branded swag clothing on top only with black pants, not to wear joggers/track pants

Classes will begin at 9:00 AM, so Day students, please arrive by 8:45am at the latest to locate your locker.

Online Program:  Account Access                                                  

New Students: Welcome! In the coming days, you will be receiving your login and password from our Guidance Dept. This information will be important for logging in to our Google Suite Classroom, so make sure you keep this handy!

Returning Students: Please ensure you log into your existing Fulford Academy email to ensure you have no log-in issues.

Fulford Academy 14 Day Quarantine Information:

Please follow the link here for a detailed outline of our 14 day Quarantine Plan. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not  hesitate to reach out!

“Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.”

– Malala Yousafzai

Please make sure you stay up-to-date with the requirements for entry to Canada by regularly checking the travel page of the Government of Canada’s websiteIn order to facilitate our planning process, please email Cindy McCarthy (cindy.mccarthy@fulfordacademy.com), if you have not already done so, should your child will require a Fulford Academy managed quarantine period. Again, please review the Government of Canada's issued requirements to confirm fully vaccinated traveller exemption.
As per the information found on the Government of Canada’s website, anyone entering Canada must download and input their information into the ArriveCan app. Please click here for more information and to download.
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