펄포드 아카데미 수업형태 전환공지

조회 수 37 추천 수 0 2021.11.24 12:25:18
Dear parents,
I would like to clarify the learning offerings at the Academy for your child who is in our middle school online program. 
There will be no change in your child's schooling through the end of the current academic year. We will continue to provide real-time online learning along with our in-person students so that there will be no disruption to your child's learning this year.
However, starting in Fall 2022, we will be moving to an asynchronous learning model for all grade levels. In this future model, our teachers will provide pre-recorded classes, and we will provide all students with scheduled teacher contact-time for feedback on work, coaching on next steps, and remediation where needed.
Kindest regards, 
안타깝게도 그동안 펄포드 아카데미에서 제공해왔던 라이브 수업이 2022년 9월부터는 동영상강의로 전면 개편됩니다.
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