ELE Free Sample Class

조회 수 161 추천 수 0 2017.10.28 20:06:53


해외 유학을 가기전에 준비과정을 이수해 보세요!

How prepared are your students for travel abroad programs? Students often arrive in English-speaking countries with a great ability to hold conversations with peers, but struggle when it comes to understanding Academic English in the classroom. This can lead to frustration and poorer than expected grades.

Franklin Virtual Schools designed our English Language Enhancement (ELE) program around learning the fundamentals of Academic English. This tiered program will lead students up to a level to understand what the English-speaking teachers are explaining. Using a student’s fundamental learning skills, such as in math and science, students will quickly absorb the English language through concepts that are already familiar.

ELE program을 체험하시기 바랍니다. 2가지 방법이 있습니다.
  1. A FREE SAMPLE CLASS – try the first couple of days of the program on us!

                 업다운 메뉴에서 SAMPLE CLASS 을 선택하세요!

  1. An Introductory Special – ELE Level One을 단지 $99USD!

Level One includes 30 days of online access to our exclusive Academic English preparation program. 
Level One에는 EAP 영어준비과정도 포함되어있습니다.

Levels Two and Three are also available at the low cost of $199USD each, normally $249USD.

레벨2,3은 199$에 가능합니다. 원래 249$입니다.

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