Summer Program - 여름학기 7주

조회 수 1099 추천 수 0 2020.05.06 12:57:59


Fulford Academy Online Summer Program participants will enjoy: small class sizes, personalized learning approach, one-on-one learning support, engaging lessons, and an intercultural learning environment. All teachers are certified through the Ontario College of Teachers and have ESL certifications. 


  • English as a Second Language Foundation Course

    • Highlights include:

      • 7 Week Program

      • Students will improve their English skills before starting school plus earn 1 credit (ESLAO) towards their Ontario Secondary School Diploma, no matter which school they are attending.

      • Ideal program for students looking to improve their reading comprehension, listening skills, writing and pronunciation and vocabulary acquisition.  

  • Academic OSSD Credit Courses 

    • Highlights include:

      • 7 Week Program 

      • Earn OSSD Credits

      • Integrated STEM+A learning approach 

      • Ideal program for students looking to get ahead in their learning, retake a class, improve a mark, or focus on athletics. 

      • Students will benefit from an individualized approach, differentiated learning, a challenging and supportive environment, and frequent feedback. 

      • For a list of courses offered this summer, click here.

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